Black Rotthmans

Anunturi: 0
Rase crescute: Rottweiler
Ultima Actualizare: 11 Oct 2011

Hello, dear rottweiler's friends and welcome to our online home.
"Black Rotthmans" was born in 2000 as a result of our passion for this greatest breed - Rottweiler.We are members of A.Ch.R(Romanian Kennel Klub), A.Ch.Napoca (Napoca Kennel Klub), ADRK
(Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub).Our dogs have full of temperament and well defined character!!!
We hope that you will enjoy your surf and you will appreciate our work and results.
Ioana & Calin Petrisor

Petrisor Calin
aleea Micus nr 2 / 49, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj
Telefon: +4 0745 703 166
contacteaza pe e-mail

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